Looking forward to an incredible season ahead. We are now booking 2025 weddings and our bouquet subscriptions are available in our web store.

When flowers 
bloom, so does hope.

Lady Bird Johnson

Welcome to Indigo Rain Flower Farm nestled in cottage country on land carved out from the forest over a century ago and minutes from downtown Huntsville, Ontario.

Indigo Rain works in collaboration with the land to grow specialty cut flowers and foliage for season-inspired bouquets and floral designs that reflect Marni’s years of work as an accomplished fibre artist. Visitors, seasonal and permanent residents alike appreciate the beauty of the area and Indigo Rain complements the local, grown not flown, values that are important to the vitality of our community.

Indigo Rain Flower Farm

Sign up for our newsletter below and follow us on Instagram and Facebook so we can share with you our journey and when the first blooms of spring will be ready!

We will be offering a limited number of bouquet subscriptions for spring and summer blooms in addition to our on-farm flower stand where you’ll be able to stop by and pick up a fresh bouquet of flowers. We are ready and eagerly awaiting the blooms of spring while we sow and tend the seedlings that will grow into the floral delights of summer!

Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
Bridal Bouquet for Natalie

Newsletter sign up

Our flowers bloom according to the rhythms of nature.  To find out about our seasonal specials and follow our story as it blooms, sign up for our newsletter.